At one time or another we get hit with the thoughts of “it’s all too much” and “I can’t keep up with all that I have to do”!
This results in stress, from the mind thinking that it is doing everything and is in control of the situation. The mind is continually supporting the ego which believes that its view is the only one to consider.
On life’s journey though, we gradually come to a shift in our stance, in allowing the mind a card that states “ACCESS ALL AREAS”.
A survey of a sample of over 80 year old people (sorry, can’t quote the reference from memory – just can’t trust the mind sometimes!) recently came back with one major bottom line report which went like – “If I had my time all over again, I wouldn’t have worried so much”.
So if you consider from observation, you don’t really do anything, just think you do. How much control do you have over your heart function? You could stop yourself breathing, which would stop it, but then your human life finishes. Bodies seem to have their own agenda, despite your thinking as to what is desirable. Security in house and possessions perhaps – until the next natural disaster strikes and your castle falls into the earth or raging waters? Will the insurance company actually agree in favour of the wording of your disaster?
At best, we can only deal with what arrives in the moment in front of us. If there’s a lot to do, put it on a list and do them (if you remember?) in order of supposed priority, one by one. Everything just happens. It IS. Your best deal is to Being in the moment and not let the mind tell or convince you that what is happening is not appropriate. This way, the stress of living is reduced and there is a joy to life.
I have no way of knowing whether I will be alive in the next 15 minutes. People can “leave” just like a click of the fingers. Best for me to be present with what is Here in the Now. Of course, I do not have to be stupid or careless.