Sonique Services – Sound & Light & Sacred Geometry Therapy Sessions
https://t.me/ss_brucecorston (telegram Channel)
About the logo above: Painted by spiritual artist Kim Wedel as a post representation of her Soniques session with me.
Phone me to book a session: Bruce Corston – 0448 521 470
Email me for questions : soniques@tpg.com.au

Soniques unit.
What is Light and Sound Therapy?
Light and Sound Healing Therapy is when coloured light and special sound is applied to the human body to balance and relax it. Because you recline inside a safe place (Dodecahedron), an added multi-dimensional experience tends to result. Energy healing enhances the therapeutic effects of the light and sound, promoting holistic well-being and restoring harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.
The benefits of Light and Sound Therapy
Both Light and Sound affect the body’s major meridians, for one example, the heart, to de-stress and restore efficiency, and give a feeling of wellbeing. The benefits are also subtle, unblocking difficulties and worries. Sometimes, physical effects are experienced, myself and feedback from clients report re-alignments.
Light and Sound Therapy Sessions
These are done in my home clinic room. It is a pleasurable experience to be able to just lie back and allow the healing energies wash over you, releasing the stress of everyday living. The main concern before a Sound and Light Therapy session is primarily comfort and body temperature, being appropriately warm in Winter and correspondingly cool in Summer. Helping with this are special cushions and arm rests of varying sizes and shapes. Some of my final words to the person before a session – “are you comfortable?” “Call out to me if at any stage you are not”. Then “letting go” is much easier and the result more profound.
Further details are on the “Light and Sound Therapy Session” page.
Light and Sound Therapy Equipment Sales
The complete Light and Sound unit is available for reproduction, depending on an expanded healing centre. In this way, complete instruction of operation is given from myself, while the unit is productive to a third party. When your facilitator is ready to take over, he or she will be fully conversant with both client rapport and technicality.
"Calm, balanced, amazed, pleasantly rewarding, neck alignment, very energized, relaxed and pleasant, exhilaratingly calm with general well-being.”
“A most pleasurable sense of contentment”.

"I came to you as a skeptic, one who NEVER sits still and someone who can’t close their eyes for more than one minute. And yet, here I was in your Sonique session, lying still for 40 minutes with my eyes closed (and not talking – a feat in itself!!!).
And what an amazing experience it was – so profound it is difficult to put into words.
The best description I can come up with is that I felt as if I was a Dolphin, swimming and playing in beautiful warm waters as beams of beautiful coloured light entered my body and seemed to spread peace and tranquility.
Pauline Clayton (Gold Coast)”
“I felt quite removed from the everyday world outside & cocooned in a very private space, felt deeply relaxed and centered, this feeling maintained through the next day.”