Let’s review where we are at before I write about the upper Major Meridians.
There are seven basic energy centers or chakras. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit term meaning wheel. Clairvoyants who perceive these finer energy dimensions of the human system see each chakra as a spinning wheel of energy. Although this has been part of the Hindu tradition for centuries, only recently have we in the West become more fully acquainted with it. We are beginning to recognize, for example, that acupuncture and mastery in the martial arts are built around an understanding of the power and flow of these forces within.
Chakras correspond roughly as the etheric dimensions of our endocrine glands. The soul, or etheric body, is connected to the physical body through these centers.
The chakras provide us with the key to understanding ourselves as expanded beings. The centers are located in the base of the spine, sexual organs, solar plexus, heart, throat, between the eyebrows (third eye) and the crown of the head. There are many focal points of energy within the human system, but these are the major ones.
Each chakra represents a way of understanding ourselves and the world, a way of perceiving reality. If we suppress or block energy at any of these levels, disease will manifest in the corresponding area of the body. Different diseases will manifest as a result of blockage in any given chakra depending upon an individual’s mental and physical makeup. Also, if a chakra is too wide open disease may result, for we would not have control over the amount of energy flowing through it.
Our health depends upon a dynamic balance of energy among all the chakras, plus a balance of the male and female polarities within. We must learn how to awaken and direct energy through our systems to maintain maximum health and well-being. Right thinking for health is paramount.

It is important to realize that all of the chakras are open to a degree, but we tend to operate out of some more than others. In each individual one or two will be weaker than the rest, and it is in the weak or blocked ones that tension or disease will manifest. Emotional suppression, for example, will manifest as disease in the area where there is the least energy – a blocked chakra – and then can spread to other areas. Cancer, a result of suppression, manifests behind whatever chakra is blocked. This can be a result of tension, fear, negative thinking, or sitting on your own unhappiness and not making changes. It is the end result of your lack of awareness. The key is to open the system, cleanse and flush out the energy field with the natural healing processes, and release the negative thought patterns that are responsible for the disharmony in the first place.
Phone me for a booking here – Mobile 0448 521 470
Email me for a booking here – soniques@tpg.com.au
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Bruce Corston
Instagram – sonique_services
Mobile: 0448 521 470
Skype: 61280075156