Of the five human values, TRUTH is utterly paramount. Truth can never be a politician’s truth, changeable according to the political climate, but must be UN-CHANGEABLE. It is truth when it is rock solid like a ship’s anchor, holding firm against the tide and movement of the water.
One of the truth’s about life is that there is perpetual change. Because physical life is so changeable, it cannot be regarded as rock solid, so life is essentially not real. What then to consider as truthful that is associated with life? AWARENESS is a candidate for sure, because of it being always there regardless. Birth, child, teenager, young adult, adult, old person, death, rebirth……. a circular pattern, but awareness is inherent always.

exhilerated-healing-s [courtesy of http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.evenstarcreations.com%2F&h=OAQGORqRch]
I AM is the only label that is of human language and culture, for awareness. Despite all surrounding energetic happenings of family, acquaintances, possessions, affiliations, beliefs and values, discriminations and judgements, in the diversity of separate actions, still I AM.
This is not a belief of my own thinking, but an experienced actuality. When I was a young boy I would observe my body way below me in bed as my awareness flew up and beyond the ceiling. My awareness still was, despite the condition of my sleeping body, ageless and formless. I may have been in a much subtle form of course, so awareness transcends form. Even in this older male body, my Atma persists and is unchangeable, unaffected by anything.
And of course, as per what I have previously written in my FORMLESS post, the most important consideration of Atma as Truth, is its formlessness, as I experienced.