Throat chakra
This is also called Vishuddha in sanskrit ancient Indian language. Obviously it is associated with the colour Blue, and my lights are coloured accordingly when focused on the top and the bottom of the neck of people doing sessions.

In my own past, I had significant problems in speaking because of confidence lack. I would typically stall on words in mid expression and my mind would fumble about trying to fix things, to no avail. I would have to typically wait and calm down before talking again, and it would be associated with some sort of “panic”. My father (if there are genetic carry throughs), did have significant problems with stuttering, and as a child I would observe how he would attempt to have conversations on the telephone, (no mobile devices then) in the hallway just through the door from the kitchen, positioned on a wooden stand I made at school woodwork. He never talked about it.
If this chakra is blocked, then serious issues of non expression can arise in that people fail to speak and communicate. As in the movies, serious mental problems will affect this chakra so that a person may not speak at all. And it may affect physically in terms of coughing continually, being exhausting.
On the other side of the coin, some people talk too much and are over-active with this chakra. They may blather virtually unceasingly about all in sundry, in rolling commentary of mind. Such activity is also exhausting, since there is much energy expenditure in the process. In movies, hysteria is a common example, and usually associated with women, a male slapping them over the face to “get them back to normal”? However, this stereotype is invalid, as I have witnessed many males expressing in unceasing vocal transmission in my time.
I have read that in Tibetan Buddhism, this chakra is regarded as red, and has connection to lucid dreaming and dream yoga. I have observed myself in a lucid dream talking to a girl on a street, but in a really deep voice, not typically my own in physical life.

nova dreamer
The throat chakra is associated with the thyroid gland in the human body.
While a knife can cut, the wound inflicted will heal up. However, once a tirade of vicious emotional speech is expressed, it can never be retrieved, and may cause permanent mental wounds in another person. Hence, the third chakra should ideally be regulated by the heart. Such checks before speaking might be “Is it necessary?” “Will it harm another?” “Should I just keep quiet?”
Phone me for your Soniques session here on 0448 521 470.
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Bruce Corston
Instagram – sonique_services
Mobile: 0448 521 470
Skype: 61280075156