Third Eye
This Chakra is probably one of the famous ones portrayed in the media, in that it is associated with clairvoyance, seeing beyond the physical. People who have this chakra actively engaged can see the human aura colours of the others, and can give feedback on general health, problem areas, and information of the metaphysical.

Crystal Ball reader
As seen in the image, readers may accent their observational powers by wearing a headband with crystal insert over their third eye area. This chakra’s use should be governed by the heart chakra, so that the ego does not puff itself up.

Spiritual pursuits are more beneficial over the mundane money making concerns of “I see a tall dark stranger coming into your life”? A person’s intuitive side is expressed by the use of this chakra, and so the spiritual guidance comes through “the one eye”.
In a SoniqueS session, often people “see” colours from an inner view, colours that have properties and hues not seen in the physical world directly. Some people connect with past loved ones in a session and can embrace closure and a great sense of relief. My own guidance sends me pictures which are useful for my own spiritual journey.
The Third Eye chakra is associated with the colour purple. In a SoniqueS session, both the lower and above lights are focused on this area of the head and are of course coloured purple. Quite often, I will place a quartz pyramid crystal on the upper side of the forehead and prior to getting into the dodecahedron, dab a smidge of Clary Sage essential oil on the forehead.

It is at the Third Eye point that the two side nadi Ida (yoga) and Pingala are said to terminate and merge with the central channel Sushumna, signifying the end of duality, the characteristic of being dual (e.g. light and dark, or male and female). (Wiki)
The body gland that it is associated with is the Pineal, a light sensitive gland that produces the hormone melatonin which regulates sleep and waking up.
As it is described as the “Eye of One”, it represents the unification of duality into the transcended Non Duality, wisdom, and clarity.
Contact me here for your SoniqueS session booking – 0448 521 470
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Bruce Corston
Instagram – sonique_services
Mobile: 0448 521 470
Skype: 61280075156