Life Transformation events are HUGE. A good analogy would be the caterpillar in nature, evolving into a butterfly. The old is totally discarded and the new form embraced, from a crawling ground dweller into a flying beauty. The classic story is that of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. With us humans, in my experience […]
Past_Lives (Mandala courtesy Bostock) A lot of anchored emotionally charged blockages in people have been carried through from Past Lives. Of course, this out of necessity, requires some acceptance of re-incarnation, and also of the favourite oldie – Karma. It would be a disappointment to just journey the once in a human lifetime, so I […]
The InnerNet —————– It is amazing what can manifest to our aware inner level of awareness, as long as we are in a state of relaxation, acceptance of the changing energies and emotions, and without judgment. While attendence to a streamed event, through phone or internet physical communications, the ear tunes into what is being […]
Back in Australia, the writer continued doing community service with another spiritual organisation, which his Guru had told him to work with in a dream. This organisation did meditation quite often with sound. On a particular night in Melbourne, attending a “high-tech” meditation session, lying on a bunk inside a separate booth with special stereo […]
This is a long experience to attempt to express. I say “attempt” because ultimately it is inexpressible. Once upon a time, the writer got his wish to travel to India in 1993, to go to his Guru’s ashram near Bangalore. He had been helped to save enough funds for the trip, and to buy […]
om_mandalaPeople often question me about the music played in their sessions. They ask why I play tracks with a language that is not English, because they cannot understand the lyrics? That is precisely the point! In other blogs and posts, I have included the quote: “That which is closest to silence, in by being able […]
It is always interesting to listen to what people say after their Sonique session. What we experience in a session is highly subjective, and seems to be expressed in a couple of ways. As I am the facilitator, and have a history of personal Sonique sessions, people will generally tend to tell me some […]
A colleague of mine exchanged stories a few days ago, and compared notes. This post is a continuation of “SELF SABOTAGE” where I talked about people who are not able to live up to a commitment of a session, Soniques or otherwise. It was explained to me in depth that some people have a […]
I have noticed over time with the people who come to me for Light, Sound, and Sacred Geometry sessions, that a few are struggling internally. A person may talk to me and we will arrange a day and time for their appointment. Typically, the night before their appointment, I will send a reminder text […]
This is a term that is bandied around as a commercial western catch cry, to reflect the status quo. It supposedly states a cash and profit motive that is the bottom line for activity generally in the market place, as a “norm” if you like? It is supported by statistics, trends, perceptions, and by computers […]