This is a term that is bandied around as a commercial western catch cry, to reflect the status quo. It supposedly states a cash and profit motive that is the bottom line for activity generally in the market place, as a “norm” if you like? It is supported by statistics, trends, perceptions, and by computers […]
I remember decades ago when I experienced the mind winding down in Meditation, when starting to use sound technology. It was unique in that it taught me that I was not the mind. At first I was aware of what it was “saying” as it strived to keep ascendency. It went from coherent logical sentences […]
Often I tell people that what I do within a Soniques therapy session is stress management. However, by this description it is rather limiting. If there was time for full explanations, it would revolve around that the results depend on what the person’s state of being was prior to engagement. If I look […]
Further [Mandala courtesy Synchronicity] Sometimes we notice a flow on from our own thoughts and writings, perhaps by chance or maybe synchronicity that expands the subject further. A couple of days ago I wrote an article titled “Appropriate”, which was very generalised about judgement. While from a spiritual point of view, the awareness that […]
Decades ago in NSW, I was stationed at The Sanctuary in Bangalow, working at a Meditation and Holistic Health Retreat. It was a general practice for we staff, to go out on the hilltop (it was a high area and ancient Aboriginal lookout for tribes travelling for Corroboree), and view the spectacular sunsets. One of […]
Missing Time One of the endearing qualities of meditation in general is “Missing Time”. If the body is really tired, then this will generally happen naturally, so that the body and the mind are “removed” from consciousness, and afterwards a feeling of rejuvenation is experienced. A SoniqueS session lends itself probably more in this […]
This Chakra is probably one of the famous ones portrayed in the media, in that it is associated with clairvoyance, seeing beyond the physical. People who have this chakra actively engaged can see the human aura colours of the others, and can give feedback on general health, problem areas, and information of the metaphysical. As […]
This is also called Vishuddha in sanskrit ancient Indian language. Obviously it is associated with the colour Blue, and my lights are coloured accordingly when focused on the top and the bottom of the neck of people doing sessions. In my own past, I had significant problems in speaking because of confidence lack. I […]
I am going to take a break from the chakras for a bit, and discuss about how the Soniques session affects some people. As you know, one of the things I say to people before the start their session inside the sacred geometry, on the transparent bed, with Sound, Light, and Crystals, is “Thinking is […]
Let’s review where we are at before I write about the upper Major Meridians. There are seven basic energy centers or chakras. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit term meaning wheel. Clairvoyants who perceive these finer energy dimensions of the human system see each chakra as a spinning wheel of energy. Although this has […]