


A colleague of mine exchanged stories a few days ago, and compared notes. This post is a continuation of “SELF SABOTAGE” where I talked about people who are not able to live up to a commitment of a session, Soniques or otherwise.

It was explained to me in depth that some people have a subconscious degree of tolerance or blockage in allowing a vocal agreement actually get to a session event. There may exist a ‘ceiling” beyond which they will not allow a surrender to the unknown. Hence there are postponement, dramas that suddenly occur, situations, which though appearing normal to a person, come from the sub-conscious, being much more powerful than the conscious mind.

I have observed this myself with two people in the last couple of months. There is nothing “wrong” with them, but in the scheme of the universe, it is just not the time for them to engage in a particular session.



Actually, I did observe a breakthrough with one lady, not in a Soniques session, but in a spiritual workshop. It took some time of coaxing and intense energy it seemed before it released, and then with considerable intense vocal expression, sobs, crying etc. but the release to the lady was HUGE expansion of awareness.

On the slower side, the time for such things to occur will arrive when appropriate. Everything is perfect in the moment, and a recognition of such energy signatures helps to know what is right at the time.

When a trauma or negative emotion is allowed to be felt and breathed into for between 60-90 seconds, it will release for good [Rikka]. Where intent goes, energy flows. There is only the moment – past is passed, the future is uncertain, the present is a gift. [Sai Baba]. Everything is appropriate [MC].

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