It was intriguing to say the least, that the experience of being in Sedona had a body expression that was alarming.
Apart from being a beautiful part of America in semi desert, it is famous as a spiritual energy, in regards to its three vortexes. These spiral energies can be seen by some expanded human individuals as a swirling transformation area, and being in their vicinity can be likewise. The original inhabitants (Indians) regarded Sedona as uniquely suited to communication to spirit, plus in current times, there are numerous UFO reports.
I briefly visited one area with a colleague, so had minimum contact with a thirty minute walk on the track. If my experience was because of proximity, I do not know, as it happened 2 days later back where I was staying?
It was two days to go before my scheduled speech on stage, in the auditorium at Red Rock. I was wide awake as usual between two and three AM, getting up to meditate, chant, prayers, my normal daily activity. This morning though seemed to be rather different, in that I went very easily into a state of bliss, and heard the music that I was later to use as background during my speech.
Normally, I would go back to bed and sleep until around six thirty or a bit later. However, I was woken up by my heart vibrating hugely and with the noise of it doing so. I thought – this is it, I am having a massive heart attack and am dying. But eventually the noise and vibration leveled out to a sort of a hiss, and relaxed state. After an hour I managed to sleep again a bit.
Next day we went slightly earlier to the auditorium, and I met the organizer and related the tale. She scanned me and said “No problems, you have had a Sedona heart upgrade. It will be easier for you to channel.
Bruce Corston
Mobile: 0448 521 470