The last of the five human values is non-violence, not a lot of it in the world at present, according to what the mainstream media presents daily?
The Heart never condones violence, and a person who runs his or her life accordingly, from an inner “knowing”, that all is One, would not go there. Of course, if your life is run from the mind, it is entirely different, because the mind revels in separation from the One. The term “treat others as you would treat yourself” doesn’t come into play as the motive is desires around the individual. Whether physical violence to get your way, or mental strategy by design, the motive constructs its method of approach, all for one, none for all, or variations thereof.
Non-violence is a property of Love, and indeed of Peace. Violence obviously is not part of Peace, and a peaceful heart would never go there. There are of course, peaceful demonstrations, and most remember Ghandi of India. I agree to disagree peacefully, is an appropriate way to go forward in tackling a confrontation. It is not necessary to “live by the sword and die by the sword”.
The Heart will not condone an action, via the discrimination of the conscience, which is not Right Action. The questions of will it hurt anyone, help humanity at large for the good of all, is it loving, caring, expansive and liberating?, all and more come up via the conscience. If all are ticked and approved, then the Action may be executed accordingly.
And of course, the answers to the conscience questions must be truthful, since Truth is part of the whole scenario, and inter-plays with the other four values.
And you might bring up the point of “needing to tell a white lie” in order for your action of words to be not hurtful to another. Nevertheless, a “gray” Truth that is said in a subtle way, versed to minimize hurt , can be available too.
Violence is often a sub-conscious human program that runs in automatic mode, and may be part of current or past life experience trauma. Life Transformation processes are great of removing these.