The mind is a terrible master to be in charge of your life. Of course it can be a great tool, positive or negative, doing it’s job relative to who or what wields it. As a life master though, not appropriate, and of course we are always at choice. The alternative is to come from a place of Truth, as opposed to the norm of being separate.
It’s not out fault initially though, we are just born into it. We inherit a societal system run by the collective unconscious, which will conspire to create our reality in spite of our supposedly “in control” conscious mind.
And the mind totally supports separation, that our apparent individuality may relate to in order to survive. However, it is my experience that we are not separate, and belong to One conscious awareness, hence my “knowing” of the Truth. Remember too, “The Truth Will Set You Free” slogan.
So how would my life experience be different you may ask? Perhaps the Joy of knowing that I do not have to believe the mind, apart what it can do for me as a tool, like changing the flat tyre on the car, or baking a cake. The mind though will yap all day,and sometimes night keeping us awake, telling you about fear, anger, grief, judgement, stance, and strategies.
That is why Meditation is so important, to deny the mind broadcast time of it’s lies about reality. Meditation will by various methods, focus the mind on something exclusive, so as to park it like a car in the garage. Then your conscious awareness is free to be able to connect to your higher reality of expanded vibration and states of being. This expanded state of being is One of infinite possibility, and supports us unconditionally.
If you don’t Mind, then it doesn’t Matter…… and you are left with Being, Awareness, and Bliss.