goldenplasma [courtesy of http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.evenstarcreations.com%2F&h=OAQGORqRc]
Ultimately, the Transformation towards unconditional love is much more important than the Information available to the mind.
On the Sunday morning after my recent release of suppressed boyhood trauma, I woke after the following imagery:
My mechanic friend – “K” was smiling at me and showing me my car motor on the work bench next to him. It was a V6 holden and had been completely re-built, in blue colour, and had been cleaned, with a few remaining drops of fluid still visible. It was ready to be put back in my car. My feelings as I observed this were of great joy.
If the symbology of the engine is looked at, it represents power and life force. The car is your home away from home and its condition is important to your everyday actions in life. Hence the car’s condition is important symbolically in representing your ongoing self.
Engine: See power source, see life force, see energy. Energy is consistent with what is available for us to use physically, mentally, and spiritually for our life journey in general.
My dream as relevant to myself, was an increase in available life force energy. This was because of the release of the boyhood trauma.
There was one further piece of imagery I experienced, which is connected to the LT people I know and love as a group. The imagery was that of a yellow butterfly, which fluttered in front of me as I opened my front door to go out later on, same Sunday.
It has been my one experience of automatic self processing, no other person needed to be vocally present to help me through it. Mind you, the LT group as an energetic receiver of what I initially wrote when ramping up to the release, may have responded energetically, helping me unaided directly in person?