Life Transformation events are HUGE. A good analogy would be the caterpillar in nature, evolving into a butterfly. The old is totally discarded and the new form embraced, from a crawling ground dweller into a flying beauty. The classic story is that of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
With us humans, in my experience to date, the journey of the transformation is accompanied by feelings of anxiety about the unknown. If my mind is unable to create a “box” for the events of the transformation process, then it is in a kind of fear. Unless, of course, I can transcend the mind?
To a certain extent, this may be achieved by meditation, a daily part of my experience. I can never DO meditation, just show up in the meditation room, sit down, and be present with the moment. Additionally, I have access to being in a personal SoniqueS session, which meditates me with Light and Sound inside the Sacred Geometric.

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The mind doesn’t enjoy being in the moment, and wishes to think about the PAST or project into the FUTURE. However, in Life transformation, both of these are not applicable. Past is passed and cannot be relived, the future is uncertain, so the only reality is the NOW.
In recent class events in the LT course in Maui, I came to sudden clarifications of my spiritual master’s quotations. One was written “I AM omnipresent”. The other was “Relax and let Life come to You”. Omnipresent is being in the NOW as a multi-dimensional Being. Letting Life come to you is to be in the moment with no expectations. Meditation is Being in the space between two thoughts.
And so the process of LT continues. It is not INFORMATION at all, but it is TRANSFORMATION, and towards the totality of Unconditional Love.
Bruce Corston
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