The most profoundly and powerful energy of the Universe, especially when it personally demolishes your human world to your mind’s eye. Once affected, you are never the same.
It connects with the other 4 human values integrally, almost as if they are properties of Love. Love comes only through Truth, in that it looks for what is real. Right Action always looks to the heart of conscience, with the question of – “What would Love do?” Peace is found only in the heart ultimately, not externally. Non-violence is always part and parcel of Love. It cannot harm itself.
And of course, I write of Unconditional Love. My one experience of it, not that it can be defined as an “it” or “thing” removed all reference to me needing a body, mind, or thoughts, the world as well.
As an inexpressible condition of mystery, my mind stumbles every time in finding words for description, as there are not any. It is never an emotional feeling in that it is a sensation energy without peer that blasts all into the I AM.
Like the clouds that blank out the sun, so our limited human minds, thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, blind us via our separation, away from the One Light of all, continually serving the planet with light and energy without any askance of reward.
It is said that unconditional Love runs the whole Universe behind the scenes. The Innernet of Hearts, all joined in an invisible connection to the source of all. If we say Yes to it, and are aware of our connection throughout our life, regardless of the polarity of ups and downs, fortune and sorrow of the mind, we are indeed most blessed of Human Beings.
I AM, we are, All Is, just the One conscious awareness of unconditional Love.
