What happens in a session?

A person is tested as to what concerns he or she has, in fact why they are attending the session. It is important to have an “intent” of purpose prior to the session. There is a saying that goes – “Where Intent goes, Energy flows.”
There are optional techniques that are available to a person that can be chosen from. These are:
- Tarot card reading – accesses the sub-conscious to find blocked energy within.
- Subtle energy testing/measurement prior (and after) to the session.
- Emotion Code testing.
Each session is unique to the individual, even to those repeating. Consciousness tends to expand.
Repeats are always programmed differently to suit the intent and situation in the moment for the person.
It is advisable to go to the bathroom before, as sessions in the unit take around 50 minutes minimum. Sessions tend to make a person’s bladder fill. Entry to the Sound and Light Therapy Machine is through one side of the geometric structure around the bed. This is like being in a hammock, very comfortable and with special cushions under head, knees and ankles.
If while in session, a person feels at any stage discomfort and wishes to stop, simply voicing to “stop” will be sufficient. Once in a while this happens, but very rarely. Room temperature is important to make sure that Summer or Winter extremes are alleviated for the person having the session.
Our Sound and Light Therapy Machine will make sure your comfort is acceptable, the lights are focused over and above the person’s major meridians, these being coloured according to the major meridian. The Heart is given green for example. The stereo headphones are placed over the ears, and the session begins.
At completion, the person is given a “grounding” technique with hands on the feet, and after removing the headphones, allowed to re-integrate to surroundings before being helped to exit the Geometric. It is advisable to not drive immediately after a session, but go for a short walk to get the body orientation again.
Any questions about your experience are best left for a period of time after the session, so as to allow integration. A feedback form is given for a quick report, and I give a follow up phone call a day later.
Benefits can be widely varied, and previous people’s reports can be viewed in the “Testimonials” page.

$150.00 Full Session
Payment options are:
- Cash
- Paypal (computer available)
- Direct debit online banking (computer available)
"Calm, balanced, amazed, pleasantly rewarding, neck alignment, very energized, relaxed and pleasant, exhilaratingly calm with general well-being.”
“A most pleasurable sense of contentment”.

"I came to you as a skeptic, one who NEVER sits still and someone who can’t close their eyes for more than one minute. And yet, here I was in your Sonique session, lying still for 40 minutes with my eyes closed (and not talking – a feat in itself!!!).
And what an amazing experience it was – so profound it is difficult to put into words.
The best description I can come up with is that I felt as if I was a Dolphin, swimming and playing in beautiful warm waters as beams of beautiful coloured light entered my body and seemed to spread peace and tranquility.
Pauline Clayton (Gold Coast)”
“I felt quite removed from the everyday world outside & cocooned in a very private space, felt deeply relaxed and centered, this feeling maintained through the next day.”