
[Mandala courtesy Synchronicity]
Sometimes we notice a flow on from our own thoughts and writings, perhaps by chance or maybe synchronicity that expands the subject further.
A couple of days ago I wrote an article titled “Appropriate”, which was very generalised about judgement. While from a spiritual point of view, the awareness that everything is happening as it is supposed to be, dealing with it on a personal level may be tricky. There are negative situations that arise that we may need to remove ourselves from, in order to maintain our inner self in accordance with peace, serenity, equanimity, and so on. We are always at choice (unless restrained) to distance ourselves and choose another path.

While remaining detached, empathic, non-judgmental, we can choose according to our own life story, to embrace a situation or to leave it be.
It may be black and white, or a grey area to be considered at length? If you are distant from an action taking place, it is perhaps easier, but if up close and personal, a decision usually must be made straight away in the moment.
Two questions may be able to be looked at – “What would be for the greatest good of all” and “What would Love do?”
The Beatles had a song that I remember as a reference for detachment, called “Let It Be”. Maybe that came as a flow on from Meditation and India?