Back in Australia, the writer continued doing community service with another spiritual organisation, which his Guru had told him to work with in a dream. This organisation did meditation quite often with sound. On a particular night in Melbourne, attending a “high-tech” meditation session, lying on a bunk inside a separate booth with special stereo headset sound and other equipment, he commenced listening to a sanskrit track, the first in the program.
The love generated within from this grew and grew until I was ecstatic. It increased even more to the extent that my inner voice said to me quietly that “if I wished to go further here, I would have to relinquish”. The love was so much that I would have happily died for more, and with all my soul, my heart said “I love you”.
The same voice I remember from Puttaparthi Mandir in 1993 then said…..

There was an audible (to the writer anyway) loud bang! and the booth, body, everything disappeared…… all form was not. There was just peacful dark, plus a splinter or two of rainbow colours momentarily, but all time was lost. There was the feeling of absolute home, nothing to do or get, and absolute ecstacy and bliss, so much love that it overflowed all over and through all. There was so much that my cup overflowed immediately and kept overflowing.
The writer became conscious of form later??? as revolving over the body and at some time was inside it again. At the end of the session (an hour I was told) I was given help to get up, but could not walk at all properly without a shoulder to lean on.
The experience reverberated in the dream state also afterwards, in sleep, although some forms and other beings were present, but not to the extent of the first experience. It was like a following ripple through all the dimensionality.
The writer learned that words would never convey the experience, the Isness of being, awareness and bliss. We can at best just point to it. Whenever he tried to express it, to individuals or a group, the overwhelming emotion of the remembered experience brought him to tears. The throat would choke up and words would struggle to form or come out at all.
There was no body, no mind or thinking, just Being Awareness & Bliss – Perfection.
Bruce Corston
Instagram – sonique_services
Mobile: 0448 521 470
Skype: 61280075156