earthstarunion – http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.evenstarcreations.com%2F&h=OAQGORqRc
The intensity is easing off now, and yet there is so much that needs to be done before my next Life Transformation event in late June.
My new carpet to fix up flood damaged clinic room has arrived, but still needs to be laid before I can re-set the Sonique system up again. As a good portion of equipment went underwater, there are sections which will no longer function. Transformers and electronics are not happy to be inundated.
In the general flow of life, nothing is certain, and Isness as usual happens. Past is passed, the future is uncertain, so the only gift is the present.
Most of the computers on the network were not cooperating today. They decided to go off on their own tangents and had their own time schedule. It’s like when a lady has a “bad hair day”. Just have to go through the process and surrender to the outcome.
Rainy long weekend, and some downtime easing….. And if I need a break, the bliss in meditation always beckons.