Aura layers in the visual spectrum around the human body.
Chakra is sanskrit (Indian ancient language) for “wheel”. The chakra “wheels” spin and are associated with specific normally viewed colours, and other colours in the subtle visual area, viewed by clairvoyants.
The #chakras are also called the “Major Meridians”. Meridians are addressed by accupuncturists with their needles, since these are the juncture points of the body’s subtle energetic network.
The seven basic #chakras are:
- Root Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- Heart Chakra
- Throat Chakra
- Third Eye Chakra
- Crown Chakra

Heart Chakra
The most important, although not physically aligned, is the Heart Chakra, since it balanced between the upper three and the lower three. It is always been an important point that we should “express through the Heart”. The Heart expresses Love, the most important energy we embrace as human beings, and it is associated with the colour Green, as well as Pink. Green is the “go ahead” colour of the traffic light system, and is also associated with nature, a soothing energy. Within the representative green image is the merkaba (3D) or some might see the “Star of David”.
If the heart chakra is disturbed or out of balance, the other chakras will also be affected to varying degrees also. The illnesses of human beings can start from negative energies affecting #chakras on a subtle level (stress) of mind, and filter across to the body.
In a #soniqueservices session, the Heart is addressed by a cool green beam of light from underneath and also above the body, and the green light may also be transmitted through a programmed clear quartz crystal. #Crystals will amplify energy, and were used in the early manufactured radio world as “crystal radio sets”.
In pre-session testing, a person can discover whether a chakra is “out”, so that it may be specifically addressed by intention. Where intent goes, energy flow.
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Bruce Corston
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Mobile: 0448 521 470
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