The intensity is easing off now, and yet there is so much that needs to be done before my next Life Transformation event in late June. My new carpet to fix up flood damaged clinic room has arrived, but still needs to be laid before I can re-set the Sonique system up again. As a […]
At one time or another we get hit with the thoughts of “it’s all too much” and “I can’t keep up with all that I have to do”! This results in stress, from the mind thinking that it is doing everything and is in control of the situation. The mind is continually supporting the ego […]
It is very interesting to see friends who are going through emotional hard times, knowing what is possible for their release, if they would relax into the process. Saying this is easy (sorry, writing), in reference to my own transformations, and the corresponding experience of being lighter and more joyful in general. And so, what […]
This is a term that is bandied around as a commercial western catch cry, to reflect the status quo. It supposedly states a cash and profit motive that is the bottom line for activity generally in the market place, as a “norm” if you like? It is supported by statistics, trends, perceptions, and by computers […]
Further [Mandala courtesy Synchronicity] Sometimes we notice a flow on from our own thoughts and writings, perhaps by chance or maybe synchronicity that expands the subject further. A couple of days ago I wrote an article titled “Appropriate”, which was very generalised about judgement. While from a spiritual point of view, the awareness that […]
Decades ago in NSW, I was stationed at The Sanctuary in Bangalow, working at a Meditation and Holistic Health Retreat. It was a general practice for we staff, to go out on the hilltop (it was a high area and ancient Aboriginal lookout for tribes travelling for Corroboree), and view the spectacular sunsets. One of […]