Here is some mathematical insight regarding the DODECAHEDRON, the sacred geometric shape you immerse yourself into with a Soniques session. It resonates with ETHER/SPACE (family with Earth/Air/Fire Water). Some people remark questions such as: “What is this cage that the bed is inside of?”
It is a blessing while in a personal session to be witness of a negative charge being removed. While in an altered state of mind in the theta level of frequency, awareness is heightened. The energy “signature” is experienced in my being as like a splinter being removed. Other people may have their own subjective […]
It is something that I vocalize in sessions with clients – “Here and now, in this moment, affirm to yourself – I am, We are, All is but ONE consciousness, like the vast ocean underneath the separated individual waves.”
This is still active until 8th August, giving us all opportunities to expand consciousness and release beilefs, attitudes, habits, etc. which no longer serve us. It is massive help as we prepare for our ascension journey to 5D life. All the shadows need to be addressed, seen, and integrated into the light.
Sonique sessions are available again from today, after my break over the months of December/January. It has been a challenge for us All to reconnect to family after the last 3 years, and having to experience the energetic shift among people that we are part of. However, once this is complete, we are at choice […]
It’s noticeable with the client feedback that there is a consistent healing reference. Clients write things like “undergone an operation” and “I could feel them working on my sacral chakra”. A client once channeled to me afterwards that the healing beings that work with the Sonique system have a certain measured ability to alleviate karma, […]
The mind is a terrible master to be in charge of your life. Of course it can be a great tool, positive or negative, doing it’s job relative to who or what wields it. As a life master though, not appropriate, and of course we are always at choice. The alternative is to come from […]
It was intriguing to say the least, that the experience of being in Sedona had a body expression that was alarming. Apart from being a beautiful part of America in semi desert, it is famous as a spiritual energy, in regards to its three vortexes. These spiral energies can be seen by some expanded human […]
The intensity is easing off now, and yet there is so much that needs to be done before my next Life Transformation event in late June. My new carpet to fix up flood damaged clinic room has arrived, but still needs to be laid before I can re-set the Sonique system up again. As a […] Sometimes, like what I have just experienced and journeyed, circumstances dictate that normal routines and schedules are forfeit. After late March’s disastrous flooding where I live and have my clinic space, things changed drastically. Apart from dealing with my own situation where all of the rooms on the ground level went under water over […]