This is a term that is bandied around as a commercial western catch cry, to reflect the status quo. It supposedly states a cash and profit motive that is the bottom line for activity generally in the market place, as a “norm” if you like?
It is supported by statistics, trends, perceptions, and by computers too, that actions and beliefs around what is real, will deliver the desired expectations of wealth accordingly.

However, as an alternative to “business as usual”, as a reflection on reality overall, I am in favour of the term “ISNESS as Usual”. What IS, is evident to that which presents to you in actual fact to the senses, denying any pre-conceived expectations.
The mind always rests upon its beliefs and attitudes and is comfortable in its position relying on the past to deliver a desired future.
However, ISNESS totally ignores the mind and delivers reality according to the will of the Universe.
A lady may have spent a lot of time on her body image, getting ready to go to, say, the Melbourne Cup horse race here in Australia, a huge social event that “stops the nation”. She is groomed impeccably, has her finest clothes and hat, and steps out the door in expectations of a great time, according to her mind. Business as usual at the Melbourne Cup. Unfortunately, the Universe has determined in a different rendition of reality. As she steps out and walks to the waiting car, a bird flying overhead does a brown and yellow sloppy shit all over her head, neck, and clothes. The mind is shattered, expectations ruined, and reality demonstrates again “ISNESS as usual”.
Of course, all type of blame and accusations are expressed – It shouldn’t, it wasn’t, it ain’t good, that bloody bird, shoot them, bad karma etc. The mind denies the existence of evident truth and wants to align itself to its believed version of how it should be.
ISNESS as usual is surrender to “what is”, remaining within equanimity, rather than giving in to anger and emotions. I’m not saying that I am perfect in this attitude please understand.

There is a story of a man who went to India to visit Sai Baba, an Indian Guru and holy man. He was able to obtain an interview, along with some other people. When he got an opportunity to speak, he proudly explained how he was so successful in his business, with so many people paying him to show them how to use positive thinking and goal setting to be successful in the future, that his mind was powerful in creating his reality.
Sai Baba said “Yes, yes, yes, but can you be absolutely certain that you will still be alive in 15 minutes time”?
There is only the moment. All else is illusion. Isness resides in the present moment.