

Blog posts.


  Once upon a time, I got my wish to travel to India in 1993, to go to my Guru’s ashram near Bangalore. I had been helped to save enough funds for the trip, and to buy an instamatic camera too. During the stay in the ashram, I was asked if he would like to […]


It’s noticeable with the client feedback that there is a consistent healing reference. Clients write things like “undergone an operation” and “I could feel them working on my sacral chakra”. A client once channeled to me afterwards that the healing beings that work with the Sonique system have a certain measured ability to alleviate karma, […]


It has been some time since I have written here in the website. Circumstances have been extreme and only now do I see a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. I have experienced two major floods, much damage, and have seen the Sonique system under water, at least the lower parts. […]


The mind is a terrible master to be in charge of your life. Of course it can be a great tool, positive or negative, doing it’s job relative to who or what wields it. As a life master though, not appropriate, and of course we are always at choice. The alternative is to come from […]


It was intriguing to say the least, that the experience of being in Sedona had a body expression that was alarming. Apart from being a beautiful part of America in semi desert, it is famous as a spiritual energy, in regards to its three vortexes. These spiral energies can be seen by some expanded human […]


The intensity is easing off now, and yet there is so much that needs to be done before my next Life Transformation event in late June. My new carpet to fix up flood damaged clinic room has arrived, but still needs to be laid before I can re-set the Sonique system up again. As a […]


"Calm, balanced, amazed, pleasantly rewarding, neck alignment, very energized, relaxed and pleasant, exhilaratingly calm with general well-being.”


“A most pleasurable sense of contentment”.


"I came to you as a skeptic, one who NEVER sits still and someone who can’t close their eyes for more than one minute. And yet, here I was in your Sonique session, lying still for 40 minutes with my eyes closed (and not talking – a feat in itself!!!).

And what an amazing experience it was – so profound it is difficult to put into words.


The best description I can come up with is that I felt as if I was a Dolphin, swimming and playing in beautiful warm waters as beams of beautiful coloured light entered my body and seemed to spread peace and tranquility.

Pauline Clayton (Gold Coast)”


“I felt quite removed from the everyday world outside & cocooned in a very private space, felt deeply relaxed and centered, this feeling maintained through the next day.”

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