
mandala18 [courtesy Synchronicity]

Decades ago in NSW, I was stationed at The Sanctuary in Bangalow, working at a Meditation and Holistic Health Retreat. It was a general practice for we staff, to go out on the hilltop (it was a high area and ancient Aboriginal lookout for tribes travelling for Corroboree), and view the spectacular sunsets. One of my friends let go a remark which, although acceptable to us, was not for “general verbalisation”? However, unknown to my friend, behind us our Guru had walked up behind, heard the remark, (which made reference to him), and made the reply “Everything is appropriate”. My friend on hearing him, turned a deeper shade than the pink sunset!!

The lesson for all of us became clear on reflection, that of judgement. When we level accusation or deride others, it takes character not to react and hurl something back. There is truth behind the saying which goes “People in Glass Houses shouldn’t throw stones”. If you point a finger towards others, it is said that there are three fingers pointing back at you.



This brings up another spiritual concept, that of Karma. Most people and cultures have their own words about this, the general meaning taken to be “what you do to others, you do to yourself”. I view it myself as sort of a cosmically perfectly balanced equation mathematically, which when we judge, we alter slightly through even thinking? Of course, we are involved with Karma all the time, and general life lends itself to such events continuously. It takes a person with a “thick skin” and spiritual conviction to address interactions non-judgementally, obviously no trouble to the Guru.

Addressing all events in life as being “appropriate”, denies judging wars, sexual predators, lying, deceit, Donald Trump, murder, pollution, etc. as any more than normal observations of speaking truthfully, organic food, disaster relief, medical attention and remedies, helping others. Each has a positive or a negative aspect – both sides of the One coin. The Guru’s properties are of Meditation, control of the mind, Peace and serenity, empathic but detached. I’m not saying this is easy.

“Judge not, lest ye too be judged”.

Do yourself a favour (yes M.M.) and book with me for your Soniques session M 0448 521 470.


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