Bruce Corston has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Waikato University in New Zealand. He has certificates in Reiki, uses Tarot, as well as using Dream Analysis, and Muscle Kinesiology, Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, are other techniques to discover any major blockages within clients.
Bruce is currently studying Quantum Touch and Quantum Energy Transformation.

Above: Kirlian (Aura) photographs of Bruce’s fingers.
Bruce was initiated into meditation in the 1970’s and continues to the present. The disciplines of Hatha and Kriya Yoga have been practiced, helping to unfold consciousness.
A seminar for doing dream analysis with Betty Bethards (now deceased) helped Bruce to understand and work with dreams consciously, and to deal with negative life issues. Involvement with Telecom, (the old Telstra) led to doing Dream Analysis for people on their videotext system Discovery, so that people could send their dreams via electronic mail to him for analysis and help.
Further work was with the Synchronicity Foundation in Melbourne and Bangalow in NSW, learning more on the use of sound technology for addressing stress. Reiki to level two was undertaken in NSW. He has written previously for a dream section in the magazine “Mystic Revelations”, has done talkback radio on 3RRR.
Chromahealth was born as an idea in Melbourne in 1997, culminating with a working version in 1998. Using colour and sound, a powerful balancing protocol is now available for people to alleviate stress. This is a system now called the Sonique, which has been used at The Sanctuary, and the Gold Coast of Australia. The product is in evolution and now has special geometry.

Prior work at Sanctuary.
"Calm, balanced, amazed, pleasantly rewarding, neck alignment, very energized, relaxed and pleasant, exhilaratingly calm with general well-being.”
“A most pleasurable sense of contentment”.

"I came to you as a skeptic, one who NEVER sits still and someone who can’t close their eyes for more than one minute. And yet, here I was in your Sonique session, lying still for 40 minutes with my eyes closed (and not talking – a feat in itself!!!).
And what an amazing experience it was – so profound it is difficult to put into words.
The best description I can come up with is that I felt as if I was a Dolphin, swimming and playing in beautiful warm waters as beams of beautiful coloured light entered my body and seemed to spread peace and tranquility.
Pauline Clayton (Gold Coast)”
“I felt quite removed from the everyday world outside & cocooned in a very private space, felt deeply relaxed and centered, this feeling maintained through the next day.”